The Top Moving Mistakes to Avoid When Relocating

Moving Mistakes to Avoid

Relocating to a new home is thrilling – a fresh start, new surroundings, and a chance to redefine your living space.

But as many who’ve been through the process will attest, moving can be a daunting task.

From packing to settling in, there are numerous pitfalls that can turn your move from a dream to a nightmare.

In this article, we dive into the top mistakes to avoid when moving house, ensuring your next big move is smooth sailing!

Underestimating the Task

Moving boxes for house move concept
Moving house may not be as straightforward as it seems. Image credit: Depositphotos

At first glance, moving might seem straightforward.

However, the size of the task can be surprising once you actually start.

It isn’t merely about transporting items from one place to another.

You must consider packing, organising, cleaning, and various other tasks.

Starting a few weeks ahead of time and breaking the move down into phases can help in managing the workload.

Make sure you avoid leaving everything until the last minute.

This will not only cause you added stress but could also mean the cost of your move is increased.

not Decluttering

Many people overlook the opportunity to declutter before a move.

This step is a golden chance to revisit belongings, evaluate their importance, and get rid of any unnecessary clutter.

A smaller move is not only cost-effective but psychologically refreshing.

Decluttering before your move means there are fewer items to pack, transport, and unpack which can make the whole task seem far easier.

If you are yet to start the decluttering process you should consider donating some of your belongings to charity.

R.H Pardy Moving & Storage Ltd are working with The Dorset Children’s Foundation, a wonderful independent charity created to enhance the lives of disabled children and their families across Dorset.

The charity relies on your donations so if you are able to provide any items from the list below, please let us or them know.

  • Clothing
  • Books
  • Games
  • DVDs
  • Bric a brac
  • Any children’s equipment (ie: highchairs, etc)

Moving at a Bad Time

Make sure you plan your move for a convenient time if possible. Image credit: Unsplash

When we decide to relocate, timings are sometimes beyond our control.

When you are able to move is frequently a question of luck, and house sales are often delayed thanks to a range of things going wrong.

However, if you are able to prepare ahead of time, you should!

When moving, it is best to aim to avoid periods when other stressful events are occurring, such as beginning a new job.

If you have children, you should also be aware of significant dates in the school year, such as term time and exam season.

Whilst it is often out of your control, choosing a suitable time to move can greatly reduce the stress of the process.

Forgetting to Notify Important Parties

Your address is likely linked with numerous essential services and contacts.

Failing to update this can lead to missed bills, lost packages, and other complications.

In the weeks leading up to the move, make a list of all entities that need your address update, ranging from subscription services to governmental bodies.

This will save you the stress of having to update this information when you are trying to settle into your new home.

Not Using a Professional Removals Company

R.H-Pardy-truck-in-front-of-a- house-moving
Choose a professional removals company like R.H Pardy Moving & Storage Ltd

Moving house effectively without using a removals company is possible; many of us have done it ourselves, and for local smaller moves, it is more likely to go well.

However, there are some clear disadvantages to doing it yourself.

Professional removal firms are well-versed in packing securely and competently.

They understand the packing materials and processes and are skilled at loading safely and efficiently.

They also have easy access to larger vehicles, which are needed for most moves.

This means you won’t have to make many journeys in larger ones.

Packing and relocating with children can also be very difficult, so having a professional removal company to relieve the stress is essential if this is the case.

It’s also crucial to remember that things might go wrong on the day of the move, and many trustworthy businesses can help you plan for this in preparation.

Hiring the First Moving Company You Find

Moving companies vary greatly in terms of services, costs, and reliability.

Blindly opting for the first option can lead to unnecessary expenses or potential damage to your belongings.

Always scout multiple options, check out Google reviews, and perhaps even seek recommendations.

We would also suggest receiving multiple quotes and getting a feel for the company before you pick which one is right for your move.

You should always pick the company that not only suits your budget but also fills you with confidence!

You should also determine whether the company is a member of the British Association of Removers (BAR).

To get membership, the BAR performs frequent audits and guarantees that removals businesses conform to strict standards and rules.

They will not only have more expertise, but if something goes wrong, BAR members will have dispute resolution procedures in place to settle concerns.

Also, make sure to check their insurance information and payment options.

This way you can determine whether they are a suitable fit before proceeding.

Not Budgeting Correctly

Budget for your move
Budget for your move. Image credit: Pixabay

Moving home is an expensive endeavour.

Estate agents, solicitors, and moving firms all charge fees.

You will probably have an idea of how much it will cost to relocate.

However, many people make the error of not realising when certain expenses must be paid.

You must factor these costs into your budget ahead of time so that you know what costs will be incurred and when they will occur.

Not Packing an Essentials Box

Amidst the chaos of relocation, certain items are immediately essential.

Things like medication, vital documents, a change of clothes, or even your favourite mug for a cup of tea can come in very handy.

Setting aside an ‘essentials’ box ensures you aren’t tearing through a mountain of boxes on your first night in your new property.

Let R.H Pardy Moving & Storage Help With Your Move

Pardy Truck in Sunshine
Pardy Truck

We hope these top moving mistakes to avoid relocating have helped reduce the stress of your move!

Moving home is never a straightforward assignment.

There are so many balls in the air that the whole process can seem very daunting.

By following the advice in this article, you should be able to limit the stress that comes with your move.

At R.H Pardy Moving & Storage LTD, we are always happy to assist with your move.

With years of experience moving individuals and families alike to locations throughout the UK, R.H Pardy Moving & Storage Limited can help you with every element of your move.

Our specialist team can guide you throughout every aspect of your relocation journey.

For added assurance, you will have the knowledge that you are dealing with a member of the British Association of Removers.

For more information about our removals services and to help with any questions you may have, be sure to give us a call today at 01202499390, or fill out our quick and easy contact form here.

A member of our team will be more than happy to help you answer your questions and get your move started in no time!