7 Tops Tips to Prepare Your House For a Viewing

Prepare Your House For a Viewing

Making a good first impression when preparing your house for viewing can help to ensure a speedy sale.

First impressions count for a lot, especially regarding big life decisions like buying a home!

So this is undoubtedly an important consideration when you prepare your house for a viewing.

Even though some buyers are willing to invest in a property with good ‘potential’, providing a strong first impression when showing buyers around your home will never hurt your prospects.

With this in mind, there are numerous things you can do to prepare your house for a viewing.

We intend to help you as much as we can in this article.

These 6 suggestions are all meant to help you prepare your house to provide the best possible first impression!

Before the Viewing

It is essential to break down the different stages of preparing your home for viewing into steps you can take before the viewing and those which can be implemented on the day.

We will first go through a number of things you should consider doing to attract some interest in your property.

Whilst these steps may seem obvious, it is surprising how big of an impact you can make by following them!

Make a Good First Impression with Your Photos

House Kitchen
House Kitchen. Image credit: Pexels

To kick off our list of top tips we will discuss the importance of taking good pictures of your home!

As we have already said, first impressions count. 

The images potential buyers see of your home are their very first impression!

It is therefore essential to ensure the real estate agent you select takes quality pictures of your home.

So, how do you make the best possible impression with your pictures?

It is always a good idea to ensure all of your property’s best characteristics are displayed and use the right lighting and room placement.

This will help to add a wow factor to your property that could draw some added interest!

It is also always recommended to use professional photos when listing your home.

This can significantly impact the appeal of your home and sets you apart from the rest of the pack.

Include a Floor Plan

House Floor Plan
House Floor Plan. Image credit: Pexels

Whilst this may seem like an obvious tip, including a floor plan in your listing, is essential!

Make sure your real estate agent will list floor plans for your property on their website.

It is important that potential buyers can view the floor plans of your house.

This will allow you to convey the layout of your home to the buyer, providing them with an accurate understanding of the space.

A floor plan can entice buyers and pique their interest in what your property has to offer that others don’t.

Additionally, showing images of the floor plan can really help them envision the size of the room in a way that photographs sometimes can’t. 

Floor plans are not only an excellent tool for those buying properties but also for sellers, helping to create a more desirable listing and boosting the potential number of viewings!

Video House Tour

Clearly, a good first impression is crucial when selling your house, and video tours are another excellent tool to help this!

Video house tours have exploded onto the scene since the pandemic and are certainly here to stay. 

This tool has become a staple within the industry and not including a video tour of your home could have a very negative impact on the potential number of in-person viewings you get!

Video tours offer potential buyers a great insight into what your home is truly like. 

This means having a well-conducted video is essential.

Video tours not only help to make a good first impression when selling your house, but they also save both parties lots of time.

On Viewing Day

So, you have implemented the tips above to attract as many people to view your house as possible.

What next?

It is time to prepare your home for this viewing itself!

There are plenty of things you can do to prepare your house for a viewing.

Some you may already be using and others may not have come to mind.

The Exterior of Your Home

Exterior of Home
Exterior of Home. Image credit: Pixabay

One of the most crucial aspects of making a strong first impression when selling your house is the exterior of your property.

A well-kept exterior can help maintain the value of your property and increase interest from potential purchasers.

We like to think of your property’s exterior as advertising.

The outside of your house is the first and final thing prospective buyers will see during a viewing.

Therefore, it’s crucial that it leaves an excellent impression!

Here are some key things to consider For the exterior of your house:

  • Is anything broken that needs to be fixed?
  • Are the bins out of sight?
  • Do your plants or grass need trimming?
  • Could the front door use a new coat of paint?
  • Do the windows need to be cleaned?

Entering the House

Entrance to House
Entrance to House. Image credit: Unsplash

Once prospective buyers enter your home, they will check to see if they can envision themselves living there.

You can do plenty of things to help them feel at home immediately!

De-cluttering, tidying, and cleaning are the three main things to undertake to get your house ready for a viewing.

Make sure the entrance is clean and clutter-free; take out any coats, shoes, mail, and other items that could typically be lying around in this space.

Next, you should check for any scuffs or damage to the walls.

Try cleaning them with soap and water or giving them a quick paint touch-up. 

Whilst to some this might seem like overkill, giving a good impression as soon as they enter the home is truly essential when you prepare your house for a viewing.

So be sure to go the extra mile!

Make Sure Your House Smells Nice

Smell is a crucial initial impression-making strategy when selling your house.

You are setting yourself up very well if you take some steps to make sure your house smells excellent.

Unpleasant odours can easily make potential buyers feel extremely uneasy in your home.

When a home has unpleasant odours, people can be seriously discouraged from buying.

These bad smells could lead them to assume that the property is not well maintained!

Whether you believe there are unpleasant odours in your home or not, we advise you to take the following into account:

  • Let some fresh air in by opening the windows
  • Use either diffusers or air fresheners before the viewing
  • Empty your bins before every viewing
  • If you have pets, clean their beds/cages and get rid of any food
  • Make sure you have a spring clean before each viewing

Last Minute Tips

Woman putting flowers in vase
Woman putting flowers in vase. Image credit: Depositphotos

You have followed all of the steps in our guide and are feeling ready for your house viewing.

However, there are still a few last-minute things you can do to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible:

  • If you have pets try to keep them out of the house. Ask a friend or family member if they can look after them during the viewing.
  • If you have children it could be a good idea to get them out of the house. While they are sure to be on their best behaviour, this is a time to fully focus on your home so see if they can stay with a family member.
  • If you have a car parked outside consider moving it. Parking could be a key factor for the potential buyer so showing them what parking is like could be the little detail that sways them!
  • Quickly open your blinds and draw your curtains. Letting in some natural light will make your home feel spacious and fresh.
  • Wipe down your surfaces and hoover one last time. Dust and dirt can seem to appear out of nowhere so a fine clean will ensure everything is ship shape.
  • Change your bed sheets. Whilst we’re sure your guest won’t be tucking themselves into bed, changing the sheets will help with both presentation and smell.
  • Put out some flowers. Fresh flowers will add a little extra colour to any room and can help your home stand out.

Going the extra mile by implementing these little things will truly set you and your home apart and could be the difference between receiving an offer or not!


Pardy Truck in Sunshine
Pardy Truck in Sunshine

There are clearly plenty of things to consider when you prepare your house for a viewing and we really hope that these tips help you on the journey of successfully selling your home.

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